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2. Scaffold a Langium project

To create your first working DSL, execute the Yeoman generator:

> yo langium 
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Welcome to Langium! This tool generates a VS Code extension with a "Hello World" language
 to get started quickly. The extension name is an identifier used in the extension 
marketplace or package registry.
 Your extension name: hello-world
The language name is used to identify your language in VS Code. Please provide a name to 
be shown in the UI. CamelCase and kebab-case variants will be created and used in 
different parts of the extension and language server.
 Your language name: Hello World
Source files of your language are identified by their file name extension. You can 
specify multiple file extensions separated by commas.
 File extensions: .hello
Your language can be run inside of a VSCode extension.
 Include VSCode extension? Yes
You can add CLI to your language.
 Include CLI? Yes
You can run the language server in your web browser.
 Include Web worker? Yes
You can add the setup for language tests using Vitest.
 Include language tests? Yes

Yeoman will prompt you with a few basic questions about your DSL:

  1. Extension name: Will be used as the folder name of your extension and its package.json.
  2. Language name: Will be used as the name of the grammar and as a prefix for some generated files and service classes.
  3. File extensions: A comma separated list of file extensions for your DSL.

The following questions are about the project parts you want to include in your project:

  • VS Code extension: will be used to run your language inside of a VS Code extension.
  • CLI: will add a CLI to your language.
  • Web worker: will add the setup for running the language server in your web browser.
  • Language tests: will add the setup for language tests.

Afterwards, it will generate a new project and start installing all dependencies, including the langium framework as well as the langium-cli command line tool required for generating code based on your grammar definition.

After everything has successfully finished running, open your newly created Langium project with vscode via the UI (File > Open Folder…) or execute the following command, replacing hello-world with your chosen project name:

code hello-world

Sneak peek using the VS Code extension

Press F5 or open the debug view and start the available debug configuration to launch the extension in a new Extension Development Host window. Open a folder and create a file with your chosen file extension (.hello is the default). The hello-world language accepts two kinds of entities: The person and Hello entity. Here’s a quick example on how to use them both:

person Alice
Hello Alice!

person Bob
Hello Bob!

The file src/language/hello-world.langium in your newly created project contains your grammar.