Class DefaultRenameProvider

Language-specific service for handling rename requests and prepare rename requests.




grammarConfig: GrammarConfig
nameProvider: NameProvider
references: References


  • Handle a prepare rename request.


    • document: LangiumDocument<AstNode>

      The document in which the prepare rename request was triggered.

    • params: TextDocumentPositionParams

      The prepare rename parameters.

    • Optional_cancelToken: CancellationToken

    Returns MaybePromise<undefined | Range>

    A range that describes the range of the symbol to be renamed.

    OperationCancelled if cancellation is detected during execution

    ResponseError if an error is detected that should be sent as response to the client

  • Handle a rename request.


    Returns Promise<undefined | WorkspaceEdit>

    A workspace edit that describes the changes to be applied to the workspace.

    OperationCancelled if cancellation is detected during execution

    ResponseError if an error is detected that should be sent as response to the client