Enumeration DocumentState

A document is subject to several phases that are run in predefined order. Any state value implies that smaller state values are finished as well.

Enumeration Members

Changed: 0

The text content has changed and needs to be parsed again. The AST held by this outdated document instance is no longer valid.

ComputedScopes: 3

The ScopeComputation service has processed this document. This means the local symbols are stored in a MultiMap so they can be looked up by the ScopeProvider service. Once a document has reached this state, you may follow every reference - it will lazily resolve its ref property and yield either the target AST node or undefined in case the target is not in scope.

IndexedContent: 2

The IndexManager service has processed AST nodes of this document. This means the exported symbols are available in the global scope and can be resolved from other documents.

IndexedReferences: 5

The IndexManager service has processed AST node references of this document. This is necessary to determine which documents are affected by a change in one of the workspace documents.

Linked: 4

The Linker service has processed this document. All outgoing references have been resolved or marked as erroneous.

Parsed: 1

An AST has been created from the text content. The document structure can be traversed, but cross-references cannot be resolved yet. If necessary, the structure can be manipulated at this stage as a preprocessing step.

Validated: 6

The DocumentValidator service has processed this document. The language server listens to the results of this phase and sends diagnostics to the client.