Interface AstNodeRegionWithAssignments

A DocumentSegment representing the definition area of an AstNode within the DSL text. Usually contains text region information on all assigned property values of the AstNode, and may contain the defining file's URI as string.

interface AstNodeRegionWithAssignments {
    assignments?: Record<string, DocumentSegment[]>;
    documentURI?: string;
    end: number;
    length: number;
    offset: number;
    range: Range;

Hierarchy (view full)


assignments?: Record<string, DocumentSegment[]>

A record containing an entry for each assigned property of the AstNode. The key is equal to the property name and the value is an array of the property values' text regions, regardless of whether the property is a single value or list property.

documentURI?: string

The AstNode defining file's URI as string

end: number
length: number
offset: number
range: Range