A node in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

interface UnorderedGroup {
    $container?: AstNode;
    $containerIndex?: number;
    $containerProperty?: string;
    $cstNode?: CstNode;
    $document?: LangiumDocument<AstNode>;
    $type: "UnorderedGroup";
    cardinality?: "*" | "+" | "?";
    elements: GrammarAST.AbstractElement[];
        | "?!"
        | "?<!"
        | "?<="
        | "?=";

Hierarchy (view full)


$container?: AstNode

The container node in the AST; every node except the root node has a container.

$containerIndex?: number

In case $containerProperty is an array, the array index is stored here.

$containerProperty?: string

The property of the $container node that contains this node. This is either a direct reference or an array.

$cstNode?: CstNode

The Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) node of the text range from which this node was parsed.

The document containing the AST; only the root node has a direct reference to the document.

$type: "UnorderedGroup"

Every AST node has a type corresponding to what was specified in the grammar declaration.

cardinality?: "*" | "+" | "?"
    | "?!"
    | "?<!"
    | "?<="
    | "?="